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Data Literacy Teaching Toolkit

USF - Rollins Research Collaboration: Ongoing

Cross-institutional qualitative research conducted by librarians from Rollins College and USF's St. Petersburg campus affirmed that many data-related competencies are critical for undergraduate students.

Preliminary research findings have been presented and published as follows:

Burress, T., Mann, E. Z., Walton, R., & Montgomery, S. (2020). Data Literacy Competencies for Undergraduates: Exploring Faculty Perspectives and Librarian Liaison Opportunities. 2020 SE Data Librarian Symposium [Virtual].

Burress, T., Mann, E., Montgomery, S., & Walton, R. (2021, forthcoming). Data literacy in undergraduate education: Faculty perspectives and pedagogical approaches. In Teaching Critical Thinking with Numbers. American Library Association.

The revised undergraduate data literacy competencies with disciplinary scaffolding may be used as a guide to help faculty and librarians integrate data-related skills into undergraduate courses in a variety of disciplines. 

Research to further explore faculty perceptions of data for their teaching, and to identify best practices for librarians who wish to collaborate with faculty and integrate data literacy into library instruction is ongoing.