Business Data Sets

Providing links to and information about the business data sets available to the USF community.

What is WRDS (Wharton Research Data Services)?

WRDS is a web-based business data research service from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Developed in 1993 to support faculty research at Wharton, the service has evolved to become a common tool for research for over 260 institutions around the world.

WRDS is the de facto standard for business data, providing researchers worldwide with instant access to financial, economic, and marketing data though a uniform, web-based interface. This hosted data service has become the locus for quantitative data research and is recognized by the academic and financial research community around the world as the leading business intelligence tool.


Individual WRDS accounts are offered to standing faculty, full-time research staff, currently-enrolled Ph.D. students, and full-time Masters students at Subscriber institutions. Access and individual accounts for research assistants, visiting scholars, and other non-permanent faculty is offered at Wharton Research Data Service's discretion. Access by other types of students is limited to class accounts, and special IP authenticated access within the library or computer lab, as provided by Wharton Research Data Services.

Please note: Our WRDS policy may limit undergraduate/Masters students from accessing WRDS during the extended break between semesters.  If you have questions about this resource, please contact Dennis Walpole at