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Children's Literature Portraying Religion in the US

Project Authors

Dr. Susan V. Bennett is an Associate Professor in literacy in the College of Education at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg campus. Susan’s personal dedication to social justice overlaps into all areas of her profession: her research, teaching and service. Susan is a regional director for the National Association of Multicultural Education, which includes eight southeastern states. She has presented nationally and internationally on topics, such as research culturally responsive pedagogy, multicultural literature, teacher education, social justice and literacy.





Dr. AnnMarie Gunn is a Professor, Reading and Literacy Studies, College of Education, University of South Florida St. Petersburg campus.  Dr. Gunn is commitment to working with groups of children and families that have been traditionally marginalized by society. Dr. Gunn has numerous international, and national publications and conference presentations focusing on culturally responsive literacy practices within teacher education. Her passion is to support  teachers and prepare future teachers to teach all children in a prek-12th grade classroom and serve the larger community.





Kaya van Beynen is an Associate Dean and University Librarian for the USF Libraries.  She has been an Education and Children’s Literature librarian for 15 years and is a past Chair of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), Education and Behavioral Studies Section (EBSS).