Arts, humanities, and sciences database providing some full text access to journals, books, and primary source materials. Select coverage from 17th century to present. May not include most recent years.
Research areas in LEXIS-NEXIS Academic Universe cover news,industry, and market news; legal news and research; company financial information; general medical topics ; accounting, auditing, and tax information; law reviews; case law; U.S. Code.
Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO) is an entirely new research tool for the social sciences and humanities. A scholar-curated library of discipline-based subject modules, OBO is designed to help busy researchers find reliable sources of information in half the time by directing them to exactly the right chapter, book, website, archive, or data set they need for their research. Each entry is a selective guided tour through the key literature on a topic, receives multiple peer-reviews as well as Editorial Board approval, and is designed to facilitate a research experience with no dead ends. All citations are linked through to your collection via OpenURL, full-text via DOIs, or to the web via links to OCLC, WorldCat, and Google Books, allowing users to locate quickly full-text content directly from OBO. OBO is the ultimate collection development tool for librarians and time saving tool for students and researchers. -- USF has access to the following modules: - Anthropology - Art History - Medieval Studies
This citation index covers European and American art and architecture from late antiquity to the present. Art and architecture related books, conference proceedings, dissertations, and exhibition catalogs. Coverage: 1974-2009.
Abstracts and citations for articles, books, essays, exhibition catalogs, dissertations, and exhibition reviews on modern and contemporary art. Coverage: 1974-present.
IBA is the successor to the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA), and retains the editorial policies which made BHA one of the most trusted and frequently consulted sources in the field. The database includes records created by the Getty Research Institute in 2008-09, with new records created by ProQuest using the same thesaurus and authority files.