There are several databases that allow users to find information about tests and measures through advanced searching teachniques. Here are some of them.
Indexing for top nursing and allied health journals, including publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association. Covers nursing, biomedicine, consumer health, alternative medicine, and more. Coverage: 1982-current.
Citation index for literature in the biomedical and life sciences fields dating back to the 1950s. Some citations link to full-text articles.
Key Terms for Searching for Tests
Educational Measurement (The assessment of academic or educational achievement. It includes all aspects of testing and test construction).
Personality Assessment (The determination and evaluation of personality attributes by interviews, obsertations, tests, or scales. Articles concerning personality measurement are consdiered to be within the scope of the term).
Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures (Methods, procedures and tests performed to diagnose disease, disordered function, or disability).