At the end of the on-site interview process, the Search Committee will create a ranked list of on-site interview candidates. The ranked list will include a paragraph that describes each candidate's strengths, areas of concern, and how they can contribute to the library's future eligibility as a member of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). The Search Committee Chair will provide this information to the Dean for consideration.
The Dean also requires documentation from the Promotion Committee in order to recommend a new hire. The Promotion Committee will provide a document regarding each candidate's research agenda, productivity, and recommended rank (Assistant Librarian, Associate Librarian, Librarian).
The following activities will occur during the Dean's review of the Search Committee's and Promotion Committee's respective documentation:
The following activities will occur after the Dean's review and subsequent candidate selection for hire:
Applicants who are not selected for hire will be notified in one of two ways:
Remember: Search Committee members MUST submit all documentation related to the hiring process to Library HR once the committee has successfully completed its charge. Documentation includes: meeting minutes, written notes, email correspondence, etc. If you have questions about the types of documents that must be submitted, contact Library HR.