Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE) Resources

This guide serves to help USF preservice teachers prepare for the Florida Teacher Certification Exams and lists current print guides and e-books held by the USF Libraries.

About This Web Guide

Instead of buying costly study guides or paying for online courses, why not look at free resources offered to you by the USF Tampa Library? This guide has links to our FTCE study guides, sample questions, and e-books related to the various FTCE tests. There are also links to free resources on the Web, though those are fairly limited and linked to the companies who want  you to buy their products. If you have found free resources for the FTCE not on this guide, please feel free to recommend them to your librarian, Susan Ariew. 

Also, be sure to check out Teacher Certification information from the USF College of Education along with the FTCE self-paced courses available through USF Continuing Education.