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Instructional Videos & Screencasts: Best Practices

Best Practices - Content

  • Videos should be kept short
    • (lectures 3-5 minutes, how-to videos more like 30 seconds to 2 minutes)
  • Videos should have learning goals
    • Bear in mind: a short video should start the out with the most important information. Do not spend a long time telling the viewer what they are supposed to learn. Student engagement is critical.
  • Strike a tonal balance
    • Make videos clean and professional, but keep them simple and straightforward rather than focusing on entertainment
    • Remember your audience don’t talk up (explain jargon), don’t talk down

Best Practices - Visuals

  • Use call-outs when possible
    • Direct the viewer’s eye creatively
    • Don't rely solely on mouse movement to direct viewer's eye

Best Practices - Accessibility

  • Speak slowly and clearly
    • Edit out silences, ums, ahs, pauses if you can
    • Make sure you watch your video all the way through before posting it anywhere.
  • Use call-outs when possible
    • Direct the viewer’s eye
  • Videos should be captioned
  • Remember to consider branding for your videos

Note: It will take some time, possibly up to several hours, for YouTube to generate captions for a video. Your best bet is to start checking after an hour.