Audio, video, and scores spanning all time periods from thousands of artists, composers, choreographers and ensembles. Select My Collections and click on the appropriate database.
Specialized index to music periodicals providing current and retrospective coverage of scholarly and popular periodicals in classical and popular music, opera, jazz, music education, and music theory.
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education and provides extensive access to education-related literature. Coverage: 1966-current.
JSTOR coverage spans a variety of disciplines, with a focus on the humanities and social sciences. The included content is comprehensive for archival and historical materials in the collection’s scholarly titles. The most recent 3-5 years of each journal is not available directly via JSTOR, however the USF Libraries provides access to current issues of a majority of these titles in other database and e-journal subscriptions.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global is a comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world. Offers full-text coverage and includes master's theses and foreign language dissertations.