Structured to teach supplemental research and information literacy skills, the Workshops for Researchers program offers virtual workshops available in the Fall and Spring semesters, with select workshops in Summer. Most workshops are typically offered once per term. These workshops are not recorded, but instructional materials are available at the semester tab to the left.
Librarians and external speakers with specialized expertise offer a suite of workshops that provide tools and strategies to support research at USF and help faculty and student researchers enhance their research impact and visibility. This guide contains handouts, instructional materials, and other content provided at sessions of the USF Libraries Workshops for Researchers Series.
Navigating Journal Articles: A Beginner’s Guide to Decoding Science
USF Libraries: Your Research Ally
Intro to Generative AI for Researchers
Match Made in Data: Finding the Right Analysis for Your Research Question
Open Source Collaboration with GitHub
Journal Metrics and Rankings in the Social Sciences
Applying Copilot and LLM AIs to Research Methodology
Previously Published and Copyrighted Material in your Thesis or Dissertation
From Numbers to Narrative: Communicating the Results of Your Data Analyses
Legal Research Demystified: Accessing Statutes, Cases, and Regulations with WestLaw
Tools to Identify Journals for Publication: Manuscript Matcher and More!
Mendeley: Introduction to Citation Management
Tools for Market and Industry Analysis
Intro to AI-Powered Literature Review
Taming the Data Beast: Introduction to Open Refine for Data Cleaning
Significance, degrees of freedom, and p-values, oh my! Bravely mastering statistical terminology
SPSS Basics
Journal Rankings & More: Introduction to Impact in the Sciences
Citations, H-Index, and More: Demonstrating Your Research Impact
Democratizing Data: Making Data Accessible for Everyone
Social Media Research, Copyright, and Privacy
SPSS Intermediate
Boosting Your Research: How University Communications and Marketing Can Help Amplify Your Work
Video Editing for Researchers: Share Your Knowledge
An Introduction to Financial Data Research: Mastering the Basics
Copyright and Generative AI