Provides a single point of access to publications of the American Anthropological Association, including peer reviewed journals, newsletters, and bulletins.
An index to articles in journals taken by the Anthropology Library & Research Centre at the British Museum and to films held at the Royal Anthropological Institute.
The Library, which incorporates the former RAI library, holds some 4,000 periodical titles (1,500 current) covering all branches and areas of anthropology. Nearly 800 journals, published in more than 40 languages, are indexed on a continuing basis. Records cover 1957 to the present.
Abstracts and citations of articles books, dissertations and working papers covering all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, syntax, etc. Coverage from 1973 forward.
Abstracts, citations, and some full text for core journals in anthropology, economics, geography, criminology, political science, social work, and sociology. Full text coverage: 1995-present.
BAR (British Archaeological Reports) Digital Collection provides access to over 3,000 e-books of academic archaeological research, encompassing all periods from prehistory, through classical archaeology, to 20th century archaeology around the globe. The collection includes monographs, edited collections of paper, excavation and site reports and conference proceedings.
Oxford Handbooks Online in Archaeology combine works of original scholarship with authoritative overviews of particular subjects. The combination of printed books through the Handbook series and on-line articles on topical subjects and contentious issues provide both a depth of coverage and more immediate commentary. The resource provides coverage of all the major geographical areas of the world, countering any tendency towards Euro-American bias, as well as specific topic areas of current and lasting interest, combining also theoretical discussion with empirical content. -- USF has perpetual access to over 50 books within this collection. -- Simultaneous Users: Unlimited
Projekt Dyabola indexes works in the fields of classical archaeology, Etruscology, Minoan archaeology and prehistory, Byzantine art history, numismatics, and classical history. Within Projekt Dyabola, USF subscribes to Archologische Bibliographie, 1956-2005 and the supplements. This resource indexes books, articles and reviews in these fields, as found in periodicals, congress reports, and exhibition and museum catalogs. Archologische Bibliographie records the current acquisitions of the German Archaeological Institute, the most comprehensive library devoted to classical studies, the cole Franaise de Rome, the British School at Rome, the American Academy in Rome and of the Escuela Espaola de Historia y Arqueologia en Roma. Approximately 2,000 to 2,500 new titles are added per month and made available every four to five weeks. The database contains about 1,000,000 subject headings; 420,000 citations of 77,000 authors; and citations to 143,400 monographs. The interface of this resource is available in German, English, Italian, and French. -- USF subscription includes: Archologische Bibliographie (Realkatalog des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts Rom); Sachkatalog der Rmisch-Germanischen Kommission Frankfurt; Archologische Jahresbibliographie; Datenbank der attischen Grabreliefs des 5. und 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.; Census of antique art and architecture known to the Renaissance; Monographien der Bibliographie zur Vor- und Frhgeschichte Europas; and Eurasienbibliographie des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts.
JSTOR coverage spans a variety of disciplines, with a focus on the humanities and social sciences. The included content is comprehensive for archival and historical materials in the collection’s scholarly titles. The most recent 3-5 years of each journal is not available directly via JSTOR, however the USF Libraries provides access to current issues of a majority of these titles in other database and e-journal subscriptions.
Multidisciplinary database providing access to scholarly journal, news magazine, and newspaper coverage of the humanities, social sciences, science, and technology.