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Data Literacy Teaching Toolkit

Introduction to Data Literacy: Online Tutorial

Data in Context: Flipped Classroom Assignment

This information and data literacy activity was initially created for a graduate level course, and has been adapted for upper level undergraduates and first year orientation workshops across disciplines. Documentation  is attached below for a homework assignment template that is meant to accompany an in-class library workshop. The template can be customized to a variety of disciplines by assigning a relevant scholarly reading that includes at least one data visualization.

This activity addresses the following core data literacy competencies that are applicable for all levels:

Contact: Please contact librarian Theresa Burress,, to request an in-class library workshop that incorporates this activity or for assistance adapting this activity for your in-person or online course.

Data Visualization Workshop

This data literacy workshop was originally created for the University Success Class for incoming freshman. It addresses These USF St. Petersburg campus core data literacy competencies :

The activity is described on this course guide and includes the data visualization examples created by students.

Dear Data Activity

Contact: Please contact librarian Emily Mann, for more information or to request an in-class library workshop that incorporates this activity or for assistance adapting this activity for your in-person or online course.

Privilege Project: Six integrated assignments

This research methods and data literacy project was initially created as a semester-long project for STA2023. It addresses these USF core data literacy competencies:

Competencies used in privilege project

Dr. Gibson-Dee presented this project at the 2018 International Consortium for Realistic Mathematics Education. Link to the conference paper and assignment documentation here:

Gibson-Dee, K. (2018). "Realistic mathematics education and social awareness: The privilege project." Presented at International Consortium for Realistic Mathematics Education: Grand Cayman.

Contact: Please contact Dr. Kathleen Gibson-Dee for more information.

Global Connections Through Consumption: A Research Assignment

This research methods and data literacy assignment was initially created as a research assignment for an introductory geography course taught by Dr. Rebecca Johns at the USF's St. Petersburg campus. It addresses these core data literacy competencies:

Competencies used in Global Consumption project

Contact: Please contact Dr. Rebecca Johns for more information.

Share Activities

Have an activity you would like to share on this toolkit?

Please email Theresa Burress or Emily Mann