Social Media tools undoubtedly have the ability to increase your research visibility and citing by other researchers, but the exact relationship is, of course, nebulous. Here are some tools related to social media and academic publications that may be helpful.
Role of social media in research publicity and visibility: From Effective Use of Social Media in Public Health, 2023, Pages 217-230. Interesting summary on the use of social media in promoting academic works.
The Impact of Social Media in Research Publicity and Visibility: This study, from the University of Nebraska Lincoln, was published in the e-journal Library Philosophy and Practice.
10 ways to use social media to get your research noticed: This article, from the Times Higher Education (THE), goes over various experts and their advice on using social media for visibility and impact.
A Comparison of the Citing, Publishing, and Tweeting Activity of Scholars on Web of Science: Interesting chapter on this topic in the 2020 book, Evaluative Informetrics: The Art of Metrics-Based Research Assessment pp 261–285.
Social Media for Researchers: A guide from the RMIT Libraries, this page serves as a great example of the available resources on this topic, with some links to many of the tools.