This database includes indexing and abstracts of journals, books, reports, dissertations, and unpublished papers on criminology and related disciplines. Coverage: 1968-present.
This database includes indexing and abstracts of journals, books, reports, dissertations and unpublished papers on criminology and related disciplines. Coverage: 1968-present
Includes indexing and abstracts for publications, reports, articles, and audiovisual products from the United States and around the world. These resources include statistics, research findings, program descriptions, congressional hearing transcripts, and training materials from 1970 to present.
This white paper is written for policymakers and practitioners engaged in the corrections and workforce development fields who recognize the need for the two systems to collaborate more closely to improve public safety and employment outcomes for people who have been incarcerated or are on probationor parole.
The Weekly Accessions List (WAL) is a listing of documents added to the NCJRS Abstracts Database during the previous week. Many of the documents contain links to the full text, however, some journal articles do not have links.
Detailed information on all types of periodicals: scholarly journals, e-journals, magazines, newspapers, etc., including language, ISSN, subjects and more.