ACCESS needed information effectively and efficiently.
Know where to find the information you need and how to search for it.
Ask yourself these questions:
Search in the databases.
Read the abstracts (a synopsis) of the articles.
Check the index terms used. Find the best terms that describe what you are looking for. Consult a thesaurus if there is one avaialble.
When you do a search and retrieve a long list of articles, think of a way to narrow your search. Add other search terms.
If you did not find anything, think about other terms you could use to broaden your search.
Check the index terms applied to any really good articles you found. Redo your search with those subject terms.
Save really good articles in your RefWorks account.
Determine if what you found is what you were looking for and what you need.
If not, do your search again using other keywords. Search in other databases.