EDG 7368: Visual Research Methods in Education

Some links to APA information about citing visual media appropriately

How to Cite Images Using APA


Image Reproduced from a Magazine or Journal

Note: Applies to Graphs, Charts, Drawings, Maps, Tables and Photographs

Figure X. Description of the image or title of the image. From "Title of Article," by Article Author's First Initial. Second Initial. Last Name, year, day, (for a magazine) or year (for a journal), Title of Magazine or Journal, volume number, page(s). Copyright year by name of copyright holder.

Note: Information about the image is placed directly below the image in your assignment. If the image has been changed, use "Adapted from" instead of "From" before the source information.


Black and white male figure exercising

Figure 1. Man exercising. Adapted from "Yoga: Stretching Out," by A. N. Green, and L. O. Brown, 2006, May 8, Sports Digest, 15, p. 22. Copyright 2006 by Sports Digest Inc.

Image Reproduced from a Website

Note: Applies to Graphs, Charts, Drawings, Tables and Photographs

Figure x. Description of the image or image title if given. Adapted from "Title of web page," by Author/Creator's First Initial. Second Initial. Last Name if given, publication date if given, Title of Website. Retrieved Month, day, year that you last viewed the website, from url. Copyright date by Name of Copyright Holder.

Note: Information about the image is placed directly below the image in your assignment. If the image has not been changed but simply reproduced use "From" instead of "Adapted from" before the source information.















Figure 2. Table of symbols. Adapted from Case One Study Results by G. A. Black, 2006, Strong Online. https://www.strongonline/ casestudies/one.html. Copyright 2010 by G.L. Strong Ltd.

Source for examples: https://columbiacollege-ca.libguides.com/apa/images#image_website

Citing Unpublished Photographs You Took Yourself

 According to the OWL at Purdue, "you do not  need documentation or credit...when you use your own artwork, digital photographs, video, audio, etc." (OWL, 2013). For more detailed information see:


Citing Unpublished Photographs Taken by Another Person

For this you can cite the photo the way you would a published one, without the URL.

Owner/author. (publish date or n.d.) Title of image in italics. [photograph].
(include URL if item is public and published from a blog, Flickr or Facebook)
You also want to include a permission or copyright statement that credits the photographer (copyright permission of Susan Ariew).

Be sure to include a caption for all photos, giving them context with the rest of your document.

Citing an unpublished photograph using APA style when one is not  the creator of the photograph and the creator's name is known.