Company and industry profiles, SWOT reports, and market share and financial reports covering consumer goods, energy, financial services, healthcare, technology, telecoms, e-commerce, and human resources.
Full text articles from journals and magazines covering business subjects including accounting, finance, economics, marketing, MIS, and operations management, spanning from 1886 to the present.
Database covering U.S. and European markets. Includes reports, forecasts, and other analytical tools to track consumer habits and attitudes within the competitive landscape.
Procurement Research Reports cover hundreds of indirect purchasing lines. The reports contain data and analysis related to product or service pricing dynamics, product characteristics that affect the purchasing decision, supplier benchmarking and supply chain risks, and negotiation questions and tactics.
Covers markets, industries, stocks, bonds, and dividends as well as the S & P Analysis. Provides access to 11 key financial publications, 1996-present.
Statista is a leading provider of market and consumer data. Statista provides access to statistics and forecasts on 80,000 different topics from more than 22,500 sources.
SimplyAnalytics is a mapping, analytics, and data visualization application with 100,000+ data variables, including: demographic data from the US Decennial Census and the American Community Survey (ACS), consumer spending data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX), and D&B's Premium business directory providing access to over 30 million detailed US business profiles.
The Tampa Bay Business Journal includes local Business News throughout the Tampa metropolitan area, and across 18 different industries locally. Access the Tampa Bay Business Journal’s Weekly Edition, Books of Lists, daily digital content, Local Search Archives, Back Issues from the past six years, and much more.
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