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AI Tools and Resources

Introduction to generative AI concepts and tools

LINK AI Chatbot

What is LINK?

The Library Information and Knowledge AI Chatbot (LINK) is an AI Chatbot developed by the USF Libraries to assist library users with their wayfinding questions any time of the day. The project to develop LINK was funded by an internal grant to find ways the USF Libraries could utilize emerging Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to improve services and resources for research, learning, and instruction.

What is the project?

The LINK AI ChatBot will function in tandem with Ask A Librarian chat to enhance communication and connections on the Libraries’ website.  LINK will be trained to find answers to basic questions in a contained corpus of materials, including the Libraries’ website, LibGuides, and policy documentation.   

LINK will be designed to integrate with the existing chat bot on the Libraries’ website.  It is envisioned as the first layer of interaction with individuals using the chat bot.  Users will be given the option to bypass LINK for a person-to-person chat at any time during their interaction with LINK.   

When LINK can't find the answer to a user question in the Libraries’ corpus data and provided resources, it will not attempt to formulate one.  Instead, the chat bot interaction will roll seamlessly into the Ask A Librarian person-to-person chat.

Why are we doing it?

The USF Libraries is interested in enhancing the accessibility of our services and increasing efficiencies by embracing new technology in support of Libraries’ personnel. LINK will facilitate navigation of our resources at any time of the day or night.  As long as the Libraries’ website is functional, LINK could provide users with assistance in locating information on Libraries’ services, even during closures for inclement weather and holidays.   

How is LINK designed?

diagram of LINK process

LINK uses Microsoft CoPilot’s Large Language Model as a foundation.  When answering any questions, LINK will look at content created and maintained by the USF Libraries, including informational resources in our webpages and library guides, USF Libraries’ policy documents, and process documentation. LINK will then be trained on how to respond to questions and inquiries in a way that upheld the USF Libraries standards of customer service and the Principles for the Use of Artificial Intelligence by the USF Libraries.

What information does LINK collect from my sessions?

Protecting patrons’ personal information is important to the USF Libraries.  Personal information gathered before and during your session with LINK will only be used to respond to your questions and obtain statistical data.  

A sampling of transcripts, with all personal identifiable information removed, will be kept for research purposes and to support quality control and assessment efforts.

Any LINK session may roll to Ask-a-Librarian for help from a live person.  These chats are then subject to Ask-a-Librarian privacy policy.