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Coastal Area Climate Change Education (CACCE): About the Site

The CACCE Partnership is one of fifteen projects funded in 2010 by the National Science Foundation (NSF) as part of their Climate Change Education Partnership (CCEP) program.


About the Site

Origins of the Site

This site developed from work done by members of the CACCE Partnership. In the process of developing programs and strategies to meet project goals, members of the team and their student colleagues identified a range of information resources that supported those goals. These resources are arranged on this site under a series of headings developed by the members of the CAMEL Project (see below).

Classification Schema

The classification schema used in the site was derived from a schema developed by Arnold J Bloom for use in the CAMEL Project website. With Dr. Bloom's permission it was loosely adapted to the content collected herein. For your convenience, the following is a verbatim description of the high-level headings as used on the CAMEL Project website. 

  • Causes: "Studies of past climates provide insight into the causes of our present climate. We require such insight to develop computer models that predict Earth's future."
  • Consequences: "Observed deviations from Earth's past climate include more severe storms, warmer temperatures, melting glaciers, and rising sea levels. These influence species distributions and human health and well-being."
  • Participation: "You are part of the issue of climate change and can contribute to the response."
  • Solutions (also includes Responses): "To reduce many of the undesirable impacts of climate change, humans may mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to changes already underway, or adopt policies to encourage more sustainable practices. Economics will determine to a large extent which responses or solutions are chosen."

These headings were modified to meet our goals in presenting information resources, but the sense and spirit of the originals were preserved overall.