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EndNote 20

Migrating to EndNote Desktop

  1. Open an EndNote library. Then, go to File and select Import >>File...
  2. Under Import File, browse for and select the .ris exported from RefWorks. Under Import Option, select Reference Manager (RIS). Select Import.
  3. The references should now appear in your EndNote library.

Migrating to EndNote Online/EndNote Basic

  1. Log into your EndNote Online/EndNote Basic account. On the toolbar, go to Collect and select Import References.
  2. Under File, browse for and select the .ris exported from RefWorks. Under Import Option, select RefMan (RIS). Select a group in which to import the references and then select Import.
  3. The references should now appear in your account.

Migrating to EndNote

Please refer to the guide for the citation manager you are currently using for instructions about exporting references. Follow the instructions below to import the references after you have downloaded them to your computer.