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EndNote 20

Adding references to EndNote Desktop

There are several ways to add references to your EndNote library. Step by step instructions are provided below. 

Direct Export from a Library Database

Direct export is the easiest way to get references from a database into your EndNote library.

  1. Mark any relevant references in the database you are searching.
  2. Choose the EndNote or RIS export option when saving your references.
  3. EndNote will be automatically opened, or a file of references downloaded in your browser which you just need to click on.
  4. The citation details will be added to your library.

Most databases offer an option to export to EndNote, or an 'RIS' format export option. Note: this will not download the full-text or PDF.

While most databases use RIS format, EndNote also reads other file formats, such as .nbib (PubMed) and .ciw (Web of Science). Refer to the database help for more information.

EndNote and Google Scholar

How to Configure Google Scholar Settings to Export References to EndNote

To import references from Google Scholar into an EndNote desktop library, users need to configure the Google Scholar Settings first to make the “Import into EndNote” option available in Google Scholar search results. Here are the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Go to Google Scholar 
  2. Click on the menu button on the upper left corner of the screen.
  3. Click Settings (the last one).
  4. On the “Scholar Settings” page, under Bibliography Manager, click in the radio button next to “Show links to import citations into” and choose “EndNote” in the drop down menu.
  5. Then click on the “Save” button in the lower right corner.
  6. The “Import into EndNote” option will be shown in Google Scholar search results display.

How to Export a Reference from Google Scholar to EndNote

To export references from Google Scholar into EndNote, here are the steps.

  1. Perform a search in Google Scholar <
  2. At the desired reference, click on “Import into EndNote” link located right beneath the reference.
  3. In the pop-up File Download window, click on the “Open” button.
  4. The chosen reference will be automatically exported into your EndNote library.

Note: 1). Using this method, you can export only one reference at a time from Google Scholar into EndNote. 2). Not all the information in the reference can be exported. Fields like keywords and abstracts are not exported. Therefore, if a reference is available in PubMed or other databases, please import it from those resources into EndNote so that more bibliographic information of the record will be included.

How to Export a Batch of References from Google Scholar to EndNote

To export a batch of references from Google Scholar into EndNote, you need to log in to your gmail account and follow the steps below.

  1. Perform a search in Google Scholar 
  2. Select the references you want to keep by clicking the star icon beneath each selected reference. 
  3. Click My library on the upper right corner of the screen.
  4. This will display all your selected references. Click the box on the top of the screen (right beneath the search box).
  5. Click the downward arrow on the top and choose EndNote to export them. 
  6. The selected references will be saved in a file to the lower left corner.
  7. Clicking that file will automatically place the references in your EndNote library (the one you previously worked with will be used if you do not choose a specific library beforehand.)

Manual Entry

  1. From the References menu, choose New Reference or click on the button to add a new reference to an open library.
  2. Choose a reference type from the Reference Type drop-down list. Popular examples of reference type include Journal Article, Book, Edited Book, Book section (chapter) Web Page
  3. Press the TAB key to move to the next field.
  4. Click [Save] to save the data. Click the close button to close the reference or choose Close Reference from the File menu.

Create References from PDFs

EndNote allows you to import a PDF or a folder of PDFs into your library with all the bibliographic information extracted automatically, under the condition that the PDFs have DOIs embedded. How to import a PDF? Here are the steps:

  1. Open your EndNote library.
  2. Under the File menu, choose Import.
  3. If it is a single PDF, choose File; if it is a collection of PDFs placed in a folder, then choose Folder.
  4. In the Import File or Import Folder popup window, retrieve the PDF file or folder and click OK.
  5. Make sure the Import Option is PDF. You can choose Import All (can dedup later).
  6. Clicking on the Import button, all the PDFs will be imported into EndNote.

Note: If the PDF file was scanned or it does not have a DOI assigned, then it will not be successfully imported. All it has will be an attachment to an empty record.