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Business Plan & Pitch Presentation


If deemed relevant, add content to support, confirm, and reinforce conclusions you reach in the business plan. An appendix is where you give greater details about aspects covered in the plan, and you can include specific details regarding market research, technology, location, and so forth.  

Appendix content may include, but is not limited to: 

  • Letters of Intent/Key Contracts (to display customer interest/demand) 
  • Endorsements (to reinforce that company is capable and the product or service is desirable) 
  • Resumes of Key Managers (if resumes of key managers are impressive, consider including them) 
  • Technical Information (if using or developing technology, more detailed descriptions can be added here) 
  • Manufacturing information (detailed description of manufacturing process or flow chart describing process) 
  • Floor Plan (layout and use of space, factory, etc.)