EndNote x9

Why doesn't Cite While You Write (CWYW) appear in Word?


To reinstate the EndNote tab in Word on Windows devices, please follow the instructions below in the first instance:

  1. In Word, click the File tab and choose Options.
  2. Select Add-Ins from the left hand menu.
  3. Under the heading Active Application Add-ins, check whether you have the EndNote Cite While You Write COM Add-in (see the Type column).
  4. If it is not listed, then go down to the bottom of the window to the Manage drop-down list.
  5. With COM Add-ins showing, click Go...
  6. If CWYW is installed, then EndNote Cite While You Write will appear as one of the add-ins available. Make sure the box beside it is ticked, then click OK.
  7. The EndNote ribbon should appear immediately in Word.


  1. Close Word and EndNote.
  2. Open your hard drive and go to the following folder:
    EndNote X9: Applications: EndNote X9: Cite While You Write
    EndNote X8: Applications: EndNote X8: Cite While You Write
    EndNote online: Applications: Cite While You Write:Cite While You Write
  3. Word 2016/2019/365 version 16.xx: Copy the file "EndNote CWYW Word 16.bundle" by highlighting the file and going to "Edit > Copy."
    Word 2016 version 15.xx: Copy the file "EndNote CWYW Word 2016.bundle" by highlighting the file and going to "Edit > Copy."
    NOTE: If you do not see the "EndNote CWYW Word 2016.bundle" file in the "Applications: EndNote X8(X9): Cite While You Write" folder (or if this file is not the most up to date version), you can follow these steps: 
    1. Download a copy of the latest EndNote online tools here.
    2. Run this file and follow the steps to install the tools in Word.
    3. Skip step 3.
  4. Go to the folder "[Hard Drive Name] : Library : Application Support : Microsoft : Office365 : User Content : Startup : Word" and paste the file, "Edit > Paste."
    Note: If you have trouble finding the above location you need to click on Finder (in the Dock the icon of a face) to the right of Finder click on the Go menu then click on Computer then click on the Macintosh Hard Drive. You should then be able to follow the path above.
    Note: In non-English versions of Word, the folder named "Startup" may be called "Start" or be in the localized language of Word.
  5. Start Word, go to "Word > Preferences" and click on "File Locations."
  6. If the Startup folder is set to any location, highlight "Startup" and click on "Reset."
  7. Click "OK" and Quit Word.
  8. Start EndNote and then start Word.