E-book Collections

About the Knovel Ebook Collection

Knovel provides a searchable database of handbooks, datasets and reference sources in science, technology and engineering through a single interface. Knovel’s collection of reference works and databases from international publishers and professional societies covers subjects such as material properties, process and design information, best practices, equations and formulations, and more. The interactive tables and graphs allows users to manipulate, analyze, and export data. USF subscribes to three collections:

* Civil Engineering & Construction Materials
* Electrical & Power Engineering
* Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering

Use Restrictions

This collection can be accessed by an unlimited number of users simultaneously. Remote access is limited to USF students, faculty and staff. Non USF users can access the collection using a computer at the USF Library.

E-Books in the Classroom

Instructors can now request the USF Libraries to acquire e-Books for classroom support if they are available electronically.

Viewing, Printing and Downloading

To download or print a section of a book:

  1. Open a section of any book.
  2. To print, click the ‘print’ icon located at the top of the book’s page.
  3. To download, click the ‘download’ icon located at the book’s page. This will open the section as a PDF.


Please note: You cannot download a full book from Knovel, as this is against Knovel’s terms of service. 
We recommend that you limit your download or prints to 20% of a book at any one time.

Instead of printing and downloading documents however, you are encouraged you to the Knovel Viewer to view these documents. It is easy to use, has powerful highlighting and navigation features. Please be aware that you must be online to use Knovel’s interactive tables, graphs, and equations.

If offline use is required, you may use the Knovel’s app, Knovel ToGo, available through the Apple app store or Google Play store.  This app allows you to view complete books offline through a smartphone or tablet.

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