E-book Collections


This collection includes Jacoby Online, Brill's Companions to Classical Studies handbooks and  Brill's Medieval Reference Library. 

Use Restrictions

This collection can be accessed by an unlimited number of users simultaneously. Remote access is limited to USF students, faculty and staff. Non USF users can access the collection using a computer at the USF Library.

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Personal tools 

Take a minute to register for a personal account. This will enable you to use a number of tools that enhance your experience . The tools will show up as soon as you are logged in as a personal user.

Store articles for later use
•    Star an article:  Are you scanning article pages or a search results list to see if there are texts that might be useful to read later? Then you would welcome the star functionality. All article titles on article pages and search result lists are preceded by a star that can be activated by clicking on it. In this way the titles are stored  for later use. You review your starred items (or un-star them) click starred items on the right hand menu.

•    Labels: Make labels for special article collections. If you are collecting articles with a single subject or for a certain assignment , you may want to create a label for these collections. Once you created a label  (eg history paper), you can put a label on every relevant article you discover. These articles are then held together by the label and are easy to find back for later or repetitive use.  You can create as many labels as you like. 

 Personal search  tools 
•    Save this search:  Perform a search and click on Save this search in the right menu.  You can save as many searches as you like. Open your account to see and manage your saved searches.
•    Search history: When on the your account page you also see your search history. The website records search history for 10 searches.
•    Search alerts. Set up a search alert to get automatic notifications whenever a (new) article is published that will fit a certain query.  E.g.  a search alert for Cairo will send e-mail when a new search result  for the search-key Cairo is found.

Print this page
•    Print this page: When you want to print an article or entry use print this page’. The text in the content area will be printed in a clear readable formatting.

•    Export: Can be made to the main bibliographic software. The website supports exports in RIS format.